Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 28 February 2022
A show with a doughnut in its title that talks about poo and farts. That’s all Mr. 8 and Mr. 11 needed to hear before asking if they could come and review the show You Are a Doughnut with me. And, to explain it simply, that’s what it was, but after watching the performance on a Sunday afternoon, the seedoeatreview kiddos received a much more detailed and laugh-out-loud, graphic look at how digestion in the human body works. Just don’t do what we did and eat a big meal before seeing the show! Coming out to a You are A Doughnut song and dance number, we are introduced to our scientist Oesoph A. Gus and his mate Dewey. And the way the show is conducted is simple yet effective. ‘Gus’ provides the scientific explanations as to what happens when we eat food, and Dewey then breaks it down into a more simplified, basic level so kids (and adults) can understand. And that’s what really appealed to my kiddos. Although the scientific explanations were often dialogue-heavy and a bit tricky to understand, the Dewey segments were silly, fun, and performed in a way that they could actually see and understand. From the mouth to the oesophagus, onto the stomach, and down to the small and large intestine we were shown, with various props and comedic gameshows, the whole digestive tract. The highlight, for Mr. 8 and Mr 11, were the poop and fart segments. Of course! This is the kind of show that teaches kids through entertainment and provides good gut-churning fun that will amuse the whole family. Four Stars ****