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Review by David Grybowski | 24 October 2022

Off with the heads of the dominant patriarchy! At least that’s what the daughter thinks. The action opens with parents Chris and Kate angsty-busy on their phones, tolerating a waiting room, delving out political diatribe and trading withering repartee worthy of David Williamson or West Wing. Don’t try to grope for the details, the gist of it will get you by. Actors Spencer Scholz and Samantha Riley exude who they play; Chris is a political leader in government and Kate is the party’s campaign manager. They have all the charm of snakes. But while Scholz and Riley only just got engaged, Chris and Kate are a confusing and messed up un-coupling. And they have been called into the school to deal with their daughter’s mischief. But we learn it is they who should have their hands slapped.  See the rest using the URL