Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Roxy Walsh | 25 February 2022

What do you get when you cross a beat boxer with a magician and a sexologist?
You get…… a Purple Rabbit!

Wowzer, what a mixed bag of fun this show is! If you’re looking for a great after dinner/late night show to see with your friends (R18+ not kid friendly this one) The 9:15 performance of The Purple Rabbit at The Roundhouse in GOUD is a great pick.

70 minutes of mind blowing stunts (HOW did she just appear on that chair?!?!?!) with beatboxing tricks, stunts, circus and a John Edwards style sexologist who provided plenty of laughs and a few cringes along the way. Multiple performers switch seamlessly across the stage in a number of mini performances choreographed to great music and lighting. It really is non stop.

Is sexy magic a Fringe show genre? If not, it is now!
The Purple Rabbit is a bit raunchy, a bit cheeky and a lot of fun. Everything you’d want in a Fringe show really.