Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Anastasia Lambis | 24 February 2022
Andrew Silverwood, I Don’t Like Tiser. Here’s the thing with an Andrew Silverwood show; it’s unpredictable! When you enter the venue, in this case the Piglet at Gluttony you are often walking into the start of the show. Silverwood is already on stage watching and waiting for people to come and be seated. Sometimes there’s an intro and other times there isn’t. It all depends on you! He feeds off the energy of his audience and that means you never know what direction the show’s going to take. Silverwood is English and as he claims, “the English thrive in awkward.” In fact, he has plenty of awkward stories to tell but don’t worry the show isn’t awkward! He tells us stories through his lived experience, and it seems his whole life is a comedy act! Once again through lightning speed delivery and sharp quick-witted replies and responses he tells a story with his unique urgency. There’s an enthusiastic and pessimistic upbeat tone that you can’t help but laugh at when he describes his misfortunes. Whether he’s talking about COVID-19, Customs at Australian and International airports, Scott Morrison, his unfortunate experiences living in Perth and adapting to the ‘Australian way’ Silverwood is always entertaining! If you like unpredictability and not some well-rehearsed scripted performance, then you will love Andrew Silverwood’s new show, I Don’t Like Tiser.