Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 24 February 2022
I can’t imagine how a brand new Fringe act must feel debuting their show to a bunch of complete strangers. I’m guessing it must be a mix of nerves, nausea, and a deep-seated urge to run off the stage and never come back. But I’m happy to report that Nona Mona appeared to have none of these feelings (on the outside anyway), while she danced her way around the sold-out crowd at the Iris Cinema on the opening night of her Adelaide Fringe show Hot Mess, a story about her life told in a way that only this former Miss Burlesque 2014 winner can! Her story starts in her early years, as she acts out her school life and how this young kid had big plans to marry, have kids and settle down. Broken up with popular music from the era when she was growing up, we were treated to dances and routines to songs by Venga Boys and B*Witched, just to name a few, which left some of the well liquored-up crowd in fits of laughter. It was all very light-hearted and enjoyable. There are some slightly racy and all too real stories about her teenage life, adding to this humorous tale, when all of a sudden, a serious side of Nona makes an appearance. It was quite a jarring hit and, as the uncomfortable laughter faded, we were left to see a side to Nona’s life that wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s quite a brave story to tell and, mixed with Nona’s beautiful nature and comedic flair, makes for a lovely little show! FOUR STARS ****