Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Clayton Werner | 28 February 2021

Norwood Concert Hall, Sat 27 Feb.

Theatre Bugs and the Adelaide Theatre Academy have put together a massive musical in staging Mary Poppins; a large cast, a complex drama including song, dance, choreography, acting, plenty of set changes with a running time of over two hours, excluding intermission! There are a lot of action on the stage and probably even more off the stage, helping or having helped to make the show happen – they all deserve congratulations in the staging of this play, especially anybody involved in teaching and directing the acting!

“It’s over 50 years since Mary Poppins became a film and while some of the dialogue and the social milieu may be dated – the cast were on top of it completely. The chorus line did a great job and the voices were pretty solid all over; Mary Poppins (Issy Darwent) and Mrs Andrews (Grace Colsey) were exceptional, with reach and range that no doubt shows that these two have put in some serious hours of vocal training! The children, Jane (Jasper Darwent) and Michael (Elliot Purdie) also did a great job.  Also I’d like to congratulate the relatively small number of young men who graced the stage – well done for being there – you did great, as did the many young ladies who were playing male parts.

The staging was professionally orchestrated, lighting, sound mix, radio mics etc. and the performance was such that you have to ask yourself – how can these kids be so damned talented? Then in retrospect, seeing the weekend’s schedule – where does the energy come from – this evening performance was the third for the day!

The Marketing Department (for Theatre Bugs and the Academy) were also busy working the situation to advantage, with not only flyers, but the offer of a free trial that I know I heard one young miss asking her mum about on her arrival home. This show is suitable for any lovers of musical theatre, especially if you are looking to get your children or grandchildren out to see a show!