Reviewed by: The Weekender Herald
Review by John Ovenden | 01 March 2021

WARNING! Never sit in the front row of a comedian’s performance, unless you’re prepared to suddenly become part of the act, because they will, most likely, turn to you for a contribution!

However, there are often good reasons for being thus seated. You don’t want people in front of you using mobiles, incessantly talking or moving around, or they are the only vacant sets. Thus, I came in for several jibes from Ross Noble, although this paper benefitted from much free publicity!

Here was a performer whose unstructured, ad-libbed show zigzagged all over the place, often with hilarious observations.

“Before arriving to-night, I received a text message… ”Running late. Problem with a magician!”.

‘What could that mean? Was his assistant, sawn in half, still be in bits? Has the magician accidentally hung himself, because the trick rope didn’t work?”

Above all, Noble expertly demonstrated ‘the rhythm of maintaining continuous laughter’, although he tired towards the end. This was understandable, having had to contend with thumpingly loud music emanating from the performance next door! No performer should ever have to suffer this!

Worth seeing, although two shows will never prove alike!

Gluttony. Rymill Park. Until March 21st.