This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

Drawing Paper to Canvas - The night flyers.1984

Drawing Paper to Canvas

International • World Premiere

Drawings: Studies and sketches spanning decades of artistic practice. While many studies developed into major works on canvas, others survive filed away inadvertently documenting a chronicle of the road well traveled to artistic maturity. An observing eye and critical mind here in SA via the Rietveld Akademie in the artistic sanctuary of Amsterdam.

Bok's career in Australia began near Malaga in the mountains of Spain, was nurtured at the Rietveld Akademie in Amsterdam and jolted into vibrant engagement in the shadows and challenges of the neglected streets of occupied West Berlin, East Germany.

In 2000, Peter established Bapëa Art School in Brompton. Offering professional training, Bapëa became a leading independent art school. The school shut in 2019 although the Gallery still operates.

Presented by: peter bok