Lost Treasure Drawing Fest - Drawings in pencil by Graham Dunstan, samples for the Lost Treasure Drawing Fest.

Lost Treasure Drawing Fest

The Lost Treasure, Drawing Fest
Come along and draw, using pencil on paper. Celebrating drawing with special drawing activities for everyone. Visitors will be encouraged to take up a pencil and make some marks. There will be still life installations to draw or draw your friends who are with you. 
There will be drawing materials throughout the RSASA Members Exh to draw. 
Supported by teh M & M Carbins Trust.

At the same time view the large-scale drawings by artists who have taken up the challenge to draw an object, from the shed, the kitchen, the studio or outside. From that drawing, they will select a portion of the work and draw this to scale in a large format. In pencil. These will be on show in the RSASA Gallery during the RSASA Members' Autumn Exhibition 7 February - 16 March. 

The lost skills of drawing need to be re-invented, to encourage prospective artists to take up a pencil and draw, and draw more. The more you draw skills are learnt, observation comes into existence using eye to pencil co-ordination. Marks on paper.

Visual Arts and Design • Exhibition
South Australia
Sat, 15 Feb - Sat, 08 Mar
3 hr
RSASA Gallery
Free Event (No Tickets Needed)
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