27 Club

Headlined by Australia’s hottest rock icons Kevin Mitchell (Bob Evans, Jebediah) and Sarah Mcleod (The Superjesus), this must-see gig will get you praying to the rock gods.

It’s an exclusive club of the greats; Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain, Winehouse, Joplin all joined when they died aged 27. Entry to this exclusive club? Simply sell your soul to the devil in exchange for the witchcraft of rock. 

Fated to become members of the 27 Club; this iconic group of revered rock musos, were each the voice of their generation. All gone too soon.

Come as you are to this mind-blowing celebration of the legends who will forever be 27 and the music they left behind.

Important information:
This event takes place in an open-air venue within Gluttony. Unless it is deemed unsafe to do so, the show goes on, rain or shine, so please come prepared for the forecast weather. Umbrellas are not permitted during performances. Entrance to this venue is off Bartels Rd via Gate G.

Presented by: Andrew Kay and Release Creative

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Standing ovation 6
  • Bang for your buck 5
See more on the Fringefeed